
A Day in the Life of a Junior Digital Marketing Executive, 奥利弗·哈利维尔, ThinkEQ

Ever wondered what it's like to work at one of Greater Manchester's leading tech employers or what specific job roles get up to each day?

奥利弗·哈利维尔 is Junior Digital Marketing Executive at ThinkEQ.

我们采访了他,以了解更多全球最大的博彩平台这个角色的信息, 他在ThinkEQ的经历, 以及平常的一天是什么样的.






大学毕业后,像大多数人一样,我决定上大学. 2020年我去了全球最大的博彩平台城市大学, 但仅仅一年之后, 我意识到这并不适合我. I felt like I wasn't doing what I was best at and that I could offer more elsewhere. 而不是, I embarked upon looking for an opportunity to work in an agency, 因为我觉得那是我最好的品质所在.

After some time networking, I managed to get my first job as a marketing assistant! This was huge for me; I then spent the next 12 months developing my knowledge and professional skills. 然后是2022年夏天, I came across ThinkEQ; the role was a step up for me regarding the tasks I'd be completing and the responsibility.

Today I sit here as a Junior Digital Marketing Executive for ThinkEQ, 我热爱这份工作的每一分钟, 无论是平面设计, 分析数据或文案!


As a Junior Digital Marketing Exec at ThinkEQ, I'm well-chuffed with my work environment. 最棒的是? It's all about our brilliant team and the vibe we've got going. We're a tight-knit crew, bouncing ideas off each other and making magic happen.

我喜欢展示我的创造力, collaborating on crafting clever campaigns and watching them take off. 办公室里很热闹, and the chance to make a real impact in the digital world keeps me motivated. ThinkEQ is where I can be me and make a difference, all while having fun!

What types of projects does your organisation typically undertake, 典型的项目目标和目的是什么?

我积极参与各种项目. Our organisation typically undertakes projects that enhance brand development and enhance brand visibility to increase website traffic, 并通过不同的数字渠道进行引导. 

这些项目旨在创造引人入胜的内容, 优化SEO策略, 管理社交媒体活动, 并分析数据以提高营销绩效. The goals and objectives revolve around driving organic growth, 吸引目标受众, 最大限度地提高转化率. 

通过与跨职能团队合作, I play a pivotal role in executing these projects and achieving our marketing objectives!


I've been levelling up my skills since joining ThinkEQ. From understanding SEO sorcery to learning the art of effective social media, I feel like I'm on my way to becoming a better version of myself. 

The team here has been great at showing me the ropes and giving me opportunities to get stuck in. 我正在学习制作引人入胜的内容, 分析数据, 并驾驭不断变化的数字景观. 到目前为止,这是一次真正的成长之旅, and I'm excited to keep expanding my skill set in this role.

Can you share anything about the tools and methodologies you use?

We've got a real arsenal of digital marketing wizardry at our fingertips. 我们正在震撼像谷歌分析这样的经典, 将数据转化为黄金,挖掘有价值的见解. 

我们还掌握了社交媒体工具包, with schedulers and analysers that help us work our magic across platforms. 当涉及到内容创作时, we've got the Adobe Creative Suite dancing to our tune, 让我们制作出引人注目的视觉效果. 

我们都是为了走在潮流的顶端, so we keep our ears to the ground with industry news and webinars. 从项目管理工具到ChatGPT, we're armed with the tools that allow us to grow at every opportunity!

What is the Junior Marketing Executive role in your organisation, 以及它如何融入更广泛的团队?

As a Junior Digital Marketing Executive at ThinkEQ, I support the team in driving campaigns. 与经验丰富的营销人员密切合作, I've gained a hands-on understanding of content creation, 社交媒体管理, 网站优化, 数据分析. 

My fresh perspective and enthusiasm bring energy to the team, ensuring precise execution. 尽管是大三学生, 我的宝贵贡献产生了实质性的影响, 与长者合作提高技能. 在一个支持性的, 集体环境, we combine experience and creativity to drive marketing initiatives forward. 这是一个令人兴奋的学习、贡献和成长的地方!

What opportunities are there for professional development and growth within your organisation?

At ThinkEQ, there are many opportunities for professional development and growth. The company values continuous learning and invests in its employees' growth. 

我可以使用各种资源,比如研讨会, 培训项目, and industry events that keep me up-to-date with the latest and greatest in digital marketing. 另外, I can work closely with experienced marketers who serve as mentors, 提供指导并分享他们的专业知识. 

The supportive environment at ThinkEQ encourages me to take on new challenges, 拓展我的技能, 拥有项目的所有权. It's a place where my contributions are recognised, and I can flourish professionally.


是什么让我在工作中嗡嗡叫? It has to be the opportunity to be at the forefront of the ever-evolving digital landscape. I thrive on the excitement of crafting innovative campaigns, 深入数据分析, and exploring creative ways to engage our target audience. 

数字化的动态特性让我时刻保持警惕, and I love the challenge of staying ahead of the curve. Being part of a team that encourages fresh ideas and embraces experimentation makes every day an adventure. The sense of fulfilment I get when witnessing the positive impact of our strategies on brand growth and customer engagement is genuinely compelling. 

在这个快节奏和动态的角色, 兴奋永不消退, and I'm constantly motivated to push the boundaries of what's possible in digital marketing!

