
In the Spotlight with IMS: A Journey through IMS in the Automotive Digital Space

全球最大的博彩平台数字公司, 我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多全球最大的博彩平台他们在大全球最大的博彩平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. This week we're speaking with Human Resource Coordinator, Bekki Walker at IMS.


I'm Bekki Walker, and I currently work as the HR Coordinator at IMS. It's been quite a journey with this company, spanning almost 7 years now. 有趣的是,我在这里的任期并不是从人力资源部门开始的,我是从数据分析师开始的. 然而, 大约一年前, 我转到了人力资源部门, 我必须说, it's been an incredibly fulfilling experience. I've discovered a passion for human resources that I didn't know I had, 我很高兴能够继续成长,并以这种身份为IMS的成功做出贡献.

Could you give us an overview of IMS and the work you do in the automotive digital space? What impact does your company have on the industry?

IMS is a leading global company operating in the automotive digital space, specializing in telematics-based connected insurance solutions. Our mission is to drive positive change by making driving safer, 更聪明的, and fairer for all individuals on the road. With a shared passion for enhancing road safety and saving lives, 我们致力于利用我们的专业知识和创新技术来实现这些目标. 在IMS, we stand out in the industry for several reasons. 首先也是最重要的, we are pioneers in customer engagement-led product design, which allows us to develop solutions tailored to the needs and behaviours of drivers. 通过创新的基于风险的定价模型和先进的碰撞检测和索赔管理方法, 我们帮助保险公司和汽车公司为他们的客户提供更加个性化和有效的服务.

One of our key strengths lies in our People-Powered Technology™, a unique combination of industry experience and customer success. 这种方法使我们能够支持客户实施和交付远程信息处理和互联保险解决方案, ensuring optimal outcomes and maximum impact.

IMS has developed a strong reputation as an employer of choice. 你认为使贵公司成为一个有吸引力的工作场所的公司文化的关键因素是什么?

IMS has cultivated a company culture that sets it apart as an employer of choice, driven by core values that resonate throughout the organisation.

协同工作: Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do at IMS. 我们营造一个支持和包容的环境,鼓励员工跨团队和部门合作. 合作不仅提高了我们的创新能力和解决问题的能力,而且在我们的员工之间建立了团结和友爱的感觉.

认为不同: 创新在我们的文化中根深蒂固. We encourage our employees to think outside the box, 挑战现状, and push the boundaries of what's possible. By fostering a culture of creativity and open-mindedness, 我们不断努力开发突破性的解决方案,推动汽车行业的积极变化.

我们关心: 在IMS, we genuinely care about our employees' well-being and success. 我们优先考虑工作与生活的平衡, provide opportunities for professional growth and development, 并提供支持和资源,帮助员工在个人和职业上都取得成功. 我们对员工福祉的承诺营造了一个积极和充实的工作环境,让每个人都感到受到重视和支持.

客户问题: Customer satisfaction is paramount to our success. We are deeply committed to understanding our customers' needs, 提供卓越服务, 并且超出了他们的期望. By prioritizing customer satisfaction in everything we do, we build lasting relationships and drive customer loyalty, ultimately contributing to our company's success and growth.

超越: We believe in going above and beyond to deliver exceptional results. 无论是在服务客户方面, 支持我们的同事, 或者推动创新, we strive for excellence in everything we do. By setting high standards and continuously challenging ourselves to do better, we drive continuous improvement and maintain our reputation as a leader in the industry.

Employer branding is crucial for attracting top talent. 您如何定位IMS的雇主价值主张(EVP) ?您向潜在员工强调的主要好处是什么?

IMS is at the forefront of technological innovation in the automotive industry. 我们为员工提供使用尖端技术和解决方案的机会,这些技术和解决方案正在彻底改变人们驾驶和保险公司运营的方式. Prospective employees are attracted to our dynamic and forward-thinking environment, where they can contribute to groundbreaking projects and shape the future of mobility.

We prioritize the professional growth and development of our employees. 提供支持和合作的文化,鼓励员工接受新的挑战, 拓展他们的技能, 追求自己的职业目标. 在IMS, 员工可以通过为改善道路安全和拯救生命的举措做出贡献,对社会产生有意义的影响. Prospective employees are drawn to our purpose-driven culture, where their work directly aligns with our mission to make driving safer, 更聪明的, and fairer for all as well as being attracted to our supportive and inclusive culture, 重视团队合作, 多样性是值得庆祝的. 通过协同工作, 员工可以互相学习, 利用不同的观点, 共同取得更大的成功. We understand the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. 我们提供灵活的工作安排和其他福利,以支持员工实现平衡的生活方式. 未来的员工欣赏我们对他们福祉的承诺,并被IMS提供的个人和专业成就的机会所吸引.

Retention of skilled workers is an ongoing challenge, especially in tech fields. IMS有什么计划或计划来吸引和留住您有价值的员工?

IMS prioritizes the professional growth and development of our employees. We offer various opportunities for career advancement, 包括外部指导项目, 培训班, and tuition reimbursement for further education. By investing in the growth and development of our employees, 我们致力于他们的长期成功,并鼓励他们在事业上取得进步时留在公司. 我们建立了表彰计划,以表彰杰出的表现,并庆祝里程碑和成就. 我们理解工作与生活平衡的重要性,并提供灵活的工作安排,以满足员工的需求.

无论是远程工作选项, 灵活的调度, 还有我们灵活的假期,我们让员工在工作和个人生活之间取得平衡. 在工作场所提供灵活性,通过提供更大的自主权和对工作环境的控制,有助于提高员工的满意度和保留率. 我们全年组织各种员工参与活动和活动,以培养团队成员的社区意识和归属感. 这可能包括团队建设练习, 社交聚会, 志愿服务机会, 主题活动. By promoting camaraderie and connection among employees, we strengthen the bonds within our teams and enhance employee morale and engagement.

展望未来, 在发展企业文化和执行副总裁以继续招聘和留住最优秀的数字人才方面,IMS的优先事项是什么?

实施定期反馈机制和认可计划,以确保员工感到自己的贡献受到重视和赞赏. This can include peer recognition programs, 经理反馈会议, 以及提供建设性反馈和成长机会的绩效评估. IMS will continue to offer flexible work arrangements, 包括远程工作选项, 灵活的工作时间, 灵活的假期. 这种灵活性使员工能够更好地管理他们的个人和职业承诺, leading to higher job satisfaction and retention. 实施策略,提高员工的敬业度,培养员工对公司的归属感. This can include team-building activities, 社交活动, 员工调查, 以及跨部门合作的机会,以加强关系,创造更有凝聚力的员工队伍.


以了解有关IMS的更多信息 点击这里.


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