
How brand colours influence tone of voice

内容的作家 林赛•罗素 在我们探讨品牌色彩心理学的网络研讨会(你可以观看吗 在这里). 我们决定以此为基础,用一些例子写一篇全球最大的博彩平台这个主题的深入文章.

So. 哪个更重要??
一种声音的基调是建立在一个品牌的“氛围”上,由它的调色板主导的吗? Or is a colour chosen based on the tone of the brand? Let’s have a look at some well-known brands as examples.


If you haven’t heard of Estrid, it’s a company that sells razors, waxing strips and body care products. But, they’re all about doing good. Saying that you don’t need to shave, and you should only do it if you want to, rather than feeling the societal pressure to do so.

Their brand voice is very friendly. 平静. 种类. 悠闲的. Here are some excerpts from the website:

  • 这就是你梦寐以求的最柔软、最蓬松、最可爱的小三重奏.
  • Your body, your hair, your control. Cancel the subscription at any time, no strings attached.
  • Oh, and our office is very cute.

听起来就像一个女朋友在盛夏坐在野餐毯上喝着冰拿铁和你说话, 正确的? So… it makes sense that their brand colours are all soft pastels.

他们的皮套里有两把剃刀,一把是淡粉色的,一把是淡紫色的. Pastel green Estrid razor being run under a tap 一位身穿绿色比基尼、腮红浓浓的漂亮黑人女子手持与之配套的埃斯特丽德绿色剃刀和与其配套的刀架自拍, 

接下来是 LIDL.

The three primary colours are coupled with very basic language. Copy like “Big savings, no fuss. 这是LIDL +.” is simple, straightforward, and gets 正确的 to the point. 短, 简洁的句子结构对于一个低价的品牌来说是合适的. 相比之下,玛莎百货(Marks and Spencer)的广告语则是:“尽情享受我们诱人的美食和美酒. From alcohol to cakes and hampers filled with savoury goods, 这里有很多东西能勾起你的胃口”,你会感受到他们语言的简洁.

很少使用形容词,讲故事或花哨的词,没有混淆LIDL的语言. Examples from across their website include:

  • 我们很看重新鲜度,如果你不满意,我们会退钱给你. Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy.
  • Download Lidl Plus for our latest coupons and offers.
  • 在Lidl,我们对夏天的回归感到兴奋,就像一群海鸥对一袋薯片感到兴奋一样

So, when it comes to brand colours, 您会期望LIDL使用非常基本的颜色来匹配这种语言. Or the other way around. And they do – at the simplest level. 这三种原色被用于标志和其品牌资产. 在他们的广告中,他们保持色彩鲜艳,并在调色板上添加了其他明亮而有趣的颜色.

绿色的横幅广告,周围点缀着许多水果,还有一个绿色的圆形图案,上面写着“我们的新鲜承诺”, then as a subheading "100% happy or your money back"

Blue LIDL banner ad saying Big savings no fuss, that's lidl plus - subcopy saying our free rewards app 

让我们一起来看看 吉百利.

As with all of these brands, 还有很多因素影响着调色板和声音的语调. We’re comparing how the two compliment each other, 但这绝不是唯一需要协调的两个品牌元素. 品牌定位, 产品类型, 价格点, 更重要的是,所有这些都会影响一个品牌的语气和色调.

吉百利有着丰富的历史,并以成为生活中的奢侈品之一而自豪. 光滑的牛奶巧克力是其最受欢迎的品牌Dairy milk的核心. The Dairy Milk brand has been purple since 1920, having previously been pale mauve with red script until then.

Purple represents luxury, royalty, spirituality and wisdom. Does their language reflect that?

For me personally, I don’t think this one is as straightforward. 吉百利在广告中传达信息的方式非常有趣、愚蠢和接地气. “每个人都有一杯半”的信息促进了包容性, 大众(其目标受众)的可访问性和人性感,是真实的. This would usually be associated with b正确的 yellow, or the primary colours as used in Aldi and Lidl’s branding.

虽然, 吉百利的广告很老练,从来没有任何推销策略, 只有一个关键的故事. Whether that’s kids wriggling their eyebrows, a gorilla playing the drums, a dad giving a bar to his daughter, or a little girl buying one for her mum. In this sense, purple is fitting as it’s classy. The lack of language could be seen as sophisticated in itself.

在网站上,我们看到他们的语气非常简单,也很容易理解. Much like you would see on Lidl’s website, it’s to the point. Not necessarily screaming luxury or royalty. 一些例子包括:

  • 水果. 坚果. And what you’re really 在这里 for.
  • Sorry, the winning eggs you can’t eat are back. How will you not eat yours?

On this occasion, the other brand assets fit together well. The 值 and the ad campaigns. The colour and the history of the brand. The tone and the 价格点 and main audience. 但色彩和语气不一定会像你期望的那样相互恭维. 吉百利 is one of the world’s most successful brands, 所以很明显,这两者可以打破常规,创造一个伟大的品牌.



多芬希望重新定义美丽标准,帮助每个人积极地体验美丽和身体形象. 他们的使命是让所有女性都能积极地体验美丽.

Their brand colours are white, gold and royal blue. Let’s look at what these colours traditionally represent:

  • White is a symbol of peace and purity, 谦卑, 是清白的, 完美, 良好的, 诚实, 和清洁.
  • Blue often symbolises serenity, stability, inspiration, or wisdom.
  • 黄金通常代表慷慨和同情,同时也是神性和权力的代名词.

鸽子’s tone of voice is friendly, supportive, and inspiring. They want women to feel confident and empowered, and they genuinely care about boosting women’s self-esteem. 他们的目标是帮助女性通过视觉和口头交流的方式来庆祝真实的自我.

dove soap balances on top of packaging


  • When it comes to your body, love the one you’re with
  • 我们知道为人父母没有对错之分——只有你自己的方式.
  • Every body is beautiful
  • Cracking compliments: teach your child how to take a compliment
  • 你好漂亮

善良和同情在充满力量的语言以及柔和的语气和简短中闪耀, simple sentence structure. 我想说,这是一个完美的例子,声调和调色板和谐地工作.

8个穿着白色内衣的女人一起微笑. Text reads real women real beauty in a swirled handwritten font.


Colour and tone of voice are usually pretty well matched. 不过,这取决于你对每种颜色的个人联想. 在不同的文化和国家,颜色意味着完全不同的东西.

之类的东西 , 品牌定位, 受众和价格点也会影响到你的品牌的外观或声音——这是所有东西结合在一起形成一个强大品牌的关键.

Struggling with your own tone of voice or 颜色? 与我们的团队联系,预约今天的会议,讨论你的品牌.


一切都从这里开始. Let’s build your brand to communicate more effectively.

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