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'Because Startups Matter': Q+A with BellPress Director Alex Bell

BellPress Director Alex Bell

You offer affordable public relations services to startups. 是什么影响了你的决定,使BellPress的服务更容易获得初出茅庐的企业? 

From my experience in journalism and public relations, 我一直有机会思考创业公司对全球经济的贡献, and as a consequence, how they change the way people live and operate. 这很吸引人,这些创业公司背后的人都很勇敢,对他们想要产生的影响非常有目的性. 作为一名公关从业者,我从报纸的角度采访人们,并为他们提供支持,亲身感受到了这种激情. 以一种真实的方式讲述他们的故事,结合他们的个性,既令人满意又令人愉快. 重要的是要知道他们过去的所有方面是如何影响他们想要做的事情的. That’s where the journey begins. 

除此之外,我一直认为公关从业者可以更好地支持创业公司和企业家. Often though they are priced out by agencies. 作为一家初创公司,BellPress可以理解年轻公司正在踏上的旅程,以及讲故事和建立沟通策略的重要性. For those reasons, 对我来说,重要的是找到一个价格点,不仅让他们从我的服务中受益, but I could also learn from them.

在经历了两年的大流行及其对我们所知的商业运营的巨大影响之后, how do you think the role of startups have changed?

I think the pandemic has changed just about everything, but while some effects will be permanent, others will return to a sense of normality. The pandemic has caused people to review where they are in life, 他们之所以能够反思,是因为很多我们认为理所当然的东西都被拿走了. 英国最近的统计数据显示,与前几年相比,过去12个月出现了更多的初创企业. 人们认为他们可以冒险,继续他们的想法或激情项目,看看他们是否能把它变成现实.

BellPress is PR partner of TiE UK North. A number of the mentor members at TiE have noticed certain trends over the past year; one being that a much wider age demographic are creating businesses, people in their 50s and 60s for example. 在我的印象中,创业的典型年龄是在20到35岁之间, so it’ll be fascinating to see what happens with many new startups. 我坚信,它们将是推动经济复苏的关键.

What has been the most rewarding experience from your work with startups?

There’s a company that started out just this month, JEP Youth Engagement, which provides support to young people in Greater Manchester. Jamie Pilling, the founder, 作为一名成功的青年工作者已经有一段时间了,但他过去也面临过许多困难. 他正在利用自己所学到的知识,与来自弱势背景的年轻人真正接触. 杰米过去曾患有贪食症,并与警方发生过冲突. 很快,我们将通过视频和媒体,以真实的方式报道他的故事. 杰米是真诚的,重要的是我们要把他的故事——无论是人类的兴趣还是商业的角度——正确地呈现出来.

What role do you think startups play, not only in the business world, but also in our day-to-day lives?

Startups present a fresh perspective and often are very solutions driven. To me, startups represent human endeavour; trying new things, reviewing, failing then experimenting again until it is right. I also think more and more people are becoming aware of world issues because of the pause the pandemic has created; more startups are looking for solutions to problems like the climate crisis and its effect on the planet, which is a looming and alarming situation. 人们将专注于环境健康的创业公司商业化,对我们的日常生活产生了巨大的影响,我希望这种影响能继续下去.


This comes into play with any company I work with, small or large, 因为我有自己的工作方法,这是基于我在职业生涯中所经历的. I believe people really are the story, and while business is obviously part of the story, 人们往往更想读全球最大的博彩平台他人的文章,而不是全球最大的博彩平台商业的文章. If there’s a way to integrate the two, that’s where the story can catch fire. 作为一名商业记者增加了我的商业知识,并给了我磨练很多技能的机会, particularly when it comes to the intersection of business, politics and culture. My time in journalism also enhanced the deep interest I already had in people; who they are, their backgrounds, upbringing, friends, family, 人生的选择,以及最终导致他们做他们正在做的事情的大熔炉,以及最重要的“为什么”。. 当你在做任何公关项目时,尽早了解别人不仅能加强你与那个人和公司的信任和关系, 但它也为你提供了潜在的故事角度,可以在任何精心策划的传播活动过程中编织成各种内容.


We provide anything from a singular press release to the creation of a 3, 6, 12 month communications strategy. We also offer media training via workshops; how to write press releases, how to speak with the press or handle an interview, and how to answer questions on live radio, TV, or during a phone interview for a print publication. 我们还主持视频聊天,并创建干净简洁的视频,可以嵌入到社交媒体帖子或添加到YouTube. BellPress offers a variety of services, 但重要的是,我们采取量身定制的方式,为初创公司及其背后的人提供负担得起的解决方案. 

How can startups or any business, small or large, reach out to find out more about what BellPress can do for them?

Contact me directly on my mobile, 07917581074, or my email

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